Sleep Smarter

By Shawn Stevenson

If you want to sleep better, read Sleep Smarter

Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson, the host of the #1 rated podcast The Model Health Show, touts three pillars of health: right nutrition, right exercise, and right sleep; here giving priority to the sleep portion of that equation. 

I appreciate Shawn's book for its level-headedness almost as much as I do the great information. For example, when Shawn addresses using sleep supplements (see Chapter 17, "Use Smart Supplementation"), he provides a brief but thorough explanation of four common supplements: Chamomile, Kava Kava, Valerian, and 5-HTP, GABA, and L-tryptophan (which he bundles together). He then explains why leaning on melatonin may be a mistake (see page 154). He concludes the discussion on supplements with this: 

The best way to use a sleep-regulating supplement is in a short-term period to establish a normal sleep pattern, or to reestablish a normal sleep pattern after a time zone change from travel or a time change due to daylight saving time. Do safe, smart things first, then only bring the supplements in to "supplement" the good things you're already doing.

This book is readable, enjoyable, and highly practical. 

Five reasons to read Sleep Smarter:

1. Shawn's story: Shawn is his own best testimonial. An injury coupled with poor nutrition and exercise left his prospects for "a normal life" bleak. He shares his turnaround. It's pretty amazing.

2. Shawn's substance: Sleep Smarter provides, as its subtitle suggests, "21 essential strategies to sleep your way to a better body, better health, and bigger success." That may convey to some this is just tips and tricks. It is not. Shawn grounds his work in an impressive array of medical research. He provides essential links to all his claims in the reference section. 

3. Shawn's style: This book is fun to read. Shawn read the Audible version (I have both). He's a delight to listen to, and you'll feel the sense of straight talk, good humor, and encouragement. 

4. Shawn's "supplement": Sleep Smarter offers a unique bonus guide (you don't have to buy the book to get the guide) at He refers to this often in his book. It's good to know where to go to get more help. 

5. My takeaways: I have a growing list of "takeaways" from Sleep Smarter. Many of these I can implement immediately. I appreciate that.

I am one of many who has been surviving on too little sleep for too long. I knew I needed better sleep patterns when I picked up Sleep Smarter and this book is helping me develop them. No, it won't tuck you in bed and sing you to sleep, but it will provide practical help and a generous does of encouragement to help you get the sleep you need. 

I highly recommend Sleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies To Sleep Your Way To A Better Body, Better Health, And Bigger Success.