Relentless (Gray Man #10 by Mark Greaney)

By Mark Greaney

Retired members of intelligence forces around the world are disappearing like Halloween candy. Americans, Brits, French, Australian, Israelis, and a South African.

What’s going on?

Then former NSA big shot Clark Drummond, once thought dead, is sighted by a field agent in Caracas . . . and he’s walking!

Matt Hanley, Deputy Director of the CIA and leader of Poison Apple, an elite off-the-books black opps team, sends in veteran Zach Hightower to recover Drummond, but the always reliable Hightower gets rolled up by SEBIN. And that is why Hanley is now standing in a clandestine medical facility deep in Prince George County, Maryland.

Court Gentry, aka The Gray Man, lies in his hospital bed recovering from a knife injury just below the clavicle. The wound nearly killed him and the after effect is still trying to send him to the grave. A portion of the blade nested in his collarbone, infection set it, and now antibiotics are fighting to keep this “good guy” assassin alive.

Gentry should be in an ICU, but Hanley has other plans. What is going on out there is “very dangerous, very sinister.” So Gentry is on his way to Caracas, and despite his health, he will be relentless in pursuit of the truth and his mission.

Mark Greaney’s writes thrillers that are so much more than knives and guns. His degree in international relations and political science coupled with extensive travels, military and close-combat tactics make his books exciting, informative, and believable. This is the guy who co-worte with Tom Clancy. Relentless, like the other volumes in the Gray Man series, are intellectual thrillers and will keep you turning pages.