Fast Forward

By Publications International

Fast Forward is an automotive "" for two very narrow line of the motorcar lineage: concept cars and prototypes. For car lovers, this work is a treat. Beautiful photography. Essential, but minimal, narrative. 

Read it for the history. Admire it for the artistry. Enjoy a collection you will never see in one place other than a book. This is a car show you will not want to miss.

My takeaways:

1. The 1953 Chrysler D'Elegance design was later modified to create the VW Karmann-Ghia. 
2. Cadillac's El Camino two-seater that didn't make it to showroom floors, but the name did on Chevrolet's car.
3. There were some interesting (way out) "rocket car" designs in the late 50's/early 60's: 1951 GM LesSabre (Harley Earl); 1954 Ford FX Atmos; 1954 GM Firebird I (and II and III); 1954 Oldsmobile Cutlass (name probably from Cutlass fighter jet); 1959 Cadillac Cyclone. Many more.
4. The Batmobile is George Barris's modification of the 1955 Lincoln Futura concept car.
5. There is nothing new under the sun. Computer assisted vehicles, self-driving; even refrigerators and ovens were envisioned quite some time ago.
6. Buick should have sent the 2016 Avista into production.
7. The concepts from the 50's and 60's were far more interesting than later models of the late 20th and early 21st century.