David & Goliath

By Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell wrote David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants to show "what happens when ordinary people confront giants" real or metaphorical. p. 5

Gladwell delivers a thought-provoking read as he re-interprets the events surrounding the ancient battle between Israel's ruddy shepherd, David, and the Philistines burly giant, Goliath. This re-interpretation is a Gladwell specialty. He enjoys taking events from the past and reinterpreting them for today; searching for the story that has been overlooked or misunderstood.

Gladwell is going to urge us to overcome our giants and provide help to do just that. In battling and rising above we will become better and our efforts will serve society too. In short, society needs to see and learn from us overcoming adversity.

I gleaned much from David And Goliath. That said, I feel Gladwell wants to give me the power to overcome (the power David and Paul experienced and attributed to God) apart from God.

Highlights to follow.