Absolute Zero #12 (Mars)

By Jack Mars

If you are on a long trip and need something stronger than coffee to keep you going, listen to the Agent Zero thrillers!

Absolute Zero is the final installment of the twelve-volume spy thriller series staring good guy/bad guy/good guy (in a violent retributive justice sort of way) Kent Steele, aka Agent Zero. Agent Zero is in a fight against bad dues wielding a thermonuclear bomb and his own failing (terminal?) health. That's a fitting conclusion to a stellar series.

Of course, you can read the reviews and find everything from "Far fetched and ridiculous" (It's a spy thriller! What did you expect?) to "Zero is a 10," but overall, 469 reviewers have rendered their opinions on Audible: An average of 4.8 (Performance) and 4.7 (Story). Pretty good!

But shouldn't we expect this? Agent Zero, is "the best of the best," well . . . at least until you meet the Gray Man, or Harry Bosch, or Simon Riske, or Jack Ryan, or Nate Nash, or the Butcher Boy, or Mitch Rapp . . . you get the picture.

I give Absolute Zero (An Agent Zero Spy Thriller-Book 12) five stars -- for a strong finale and a fantastic series. As I have noted before, The Agent Zero Spy Thriller series is not literature at its finest (none are going to win a Pulitzer), but it is crisp writing, thoroughly engaging, and full action and excitement. Mars is up there at the top in the espionage thriller genre. I read (well, listened) to every one of Agent Zero thrillers.

Feeling a little sluggish? Grab your coffee! But if want something stronger pick up Jack Mars' Absolute Zero.